Winter Festival Lower School
Lower School Performance Times
5th Grade 5:00 PM
4th Grade 5:20 PM
3rd Grade 5:40 PM![Insert Picture Here]
2nd Grade 6:00PM
Kindergarten and 1st Grade 6:20 PM

to Mar 31
Basket Raffle
We will be hosting an online basket raffle coming in March 2023. The UDS PTO is looking to partner with businesses to acquire donations to help us put together baskets.
If you have a business that would like to donate either an in kind donation or sponsor a basket, please reach out to donationsudspto@gmail.com to coordinate how you can help.
More details to come.

to Feb 20
Spirit Wear Available
Your Gryphon spirit wear store will be open from Monday, Feb. 6 through Monday, Feb. 20 with items being delivered to school the week of March 6.
Place your order HERE